Dear IEARN Computer Chronicles members,
Thank you for the letters,
which made this presentation possible!
Letters from Algeria, Ms Lilia Zellagui's Class

Letters from Egypt. Ms Salwa_Youniss' Class

Letters from Ukraine. Ms Pikush's Class
Letters from Ukraine. Ms Savchenko's Class
Best wishes,
Nataliya Byzova,
Kyiv, Ukraine
Letters from Ukraine. Ms Savchenko's Class
Best wishes,
Nataliya Byzova,
Kyiv, Ukraine
Learning Circle Group: Computer Chronicles
To pay attention to crimes in the world,
persuading criminals to stop committing crimes.
(up to 25 words);
(from the crime story summaries)
1) Brainstorm the layout of a story summary:
Crime Communication Skills
2) Attention!
2) Remember the rules of writing letters
Ideal Number Of Submissions From Each School:
any reasonable number
a summary of a story - up to 25 words;
a letter to a criminal - not more than 80 words
Have fun reading short stories and guessing the crime committed
Deadline For Receiving your stories: April 15, 2018